Sunday, 28 October 2012

It's amazing what you find when you go through old paperwork...

So I knew I had a lot of stuff that needed to be shredded before I could biff it all (old bank statements and the like) and it was interesting to find some stuff that dated back more than 6 years (as well as to fill up 10 shopping bags with shredding - thanks for the loan of your shredder, Mum!).

Six years ago, I was working as a PA and in my final year of part-time as a legal executive (equivalent to a para-legal).  The job was coming to an end, in that I had done what I could in it and knew that it was time to move on.  The plan was that I was going to move overseas (to Melbourne, Australia)...being the geek that I am, I had a folder with lists of what I needed/wanted/had to do/arrange to move to Aus.

The other day, I found the folder and the first list in there was what I wanted in terms of a place to live.  Of the 15 items on the list, my current house (which I moved into four years ago) has 13 of those requirements - the only two missing were a gas cooker and air conditioning/central heating - neither of which are a major concern here.

Which makes me wonder.  Maybe if I make more (very specific lists) of what I want from the universe, maybe I'll get what I want.

I think I might start putting together my wish lists....I don't bother with New Year resolutions, but I have a birthday coming up and maybe I could have a new birthday year resolution....

Monday, 15 October 2012

Why do you need to see me cry?

You know, sometimes I really don't get it.

Apparently, I need to show my emotions more so that people know what I am really feeling.  WHY?  I don't understand why you need to see me cry or get really wound up so that you have "proof" that I do have emotions.  Can you not simply accept that what I say is exactly what I mean?

And you know what also gets me?  I'm sitting here watching a cooking show and it really grinds my gears when the presenter keeps going on about being "good" or "bad" with his food.  Food is neither good nor bad and demonising it does nothing to help anyone.

Also, why does my cat feel the need to knead me all the time.  I really am not an unbaked loaf of bread. 


Yep, it's rant time again.

At least there was enough fine weather this past weekend that I could mow the lawn.  And a long weekend this coming weekend is awesome!