Sunday, 24 March 2013

Easter is nearly here!!


Here we are, first quarter in of the year nearly done...I must be getting old, because time is not just flying by, but it's making my head spin as it does it.

We are officially in drought here in the North, along with pretty much the rest of the country...the few light showers we get are merely enough to tease the weeds into taking off.

I've managed to keep the first resolution I made about not buying chips - harder than I thought it might for the gym?  Yeah, nah.  And organising?  Well, that's an ongoing deal.

New Years was pretty traumatic, as the cat was injured on NY Eve...typically it happened at 10pm on New Years Eve.  A week later it was obvious that he was injured so badly that his right eye had to be surgically removed.  While he is much better now, he is still a bit scrawny and scraggly - it hasn't affected his balance too much though and his latest trick is to wake me out of a dead sleep in the middle of the night by patting me on the arm with his paw.  He conveniently forgets to put away all of his claws when he does this, so it is a rather disturbing way to be woken up!

January also saw Mum and I doing a road trip from Riverton (near Invercargill at the bottom of the South Island) back to Auckland.

In Dunedin we stayed at Larnach Castle, where we also got to have dinner in the castle itself.  While the room and dinner were great, the shared facilities needed work - far too reminiscent of the primary school bathrooms when I was a child!

The next night we stayed at Jo Seager B&B at Oxford, just outside of Christchurch.  What a contrast to Larnach Castle - the B&B was stunning.  The room itself was in a French provincial style, with the most comfortable beds we slept in during the trip.  It was odd visiting Christchurch, as it was the first time I'd been there since the earthquakes - so many gaps and empty is returning, but it's going to take a long time.

We then went to Blenheim and stayed with cousins that we worked out we hadn't seen in around 20 years - kind of scary to think it had been that long and we all agreed we need to catch up more regularly.

After a calm crossing on the ferry, we had a night in Wellington (with a stunning dinner at Logan Brown restaurant) and a night in Taupo with very uneventful (thank goodness) driving during each day.

Gotta say, I love road trips!!

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