Monday, 4 June 2012

May or May Not Monday

An idea borrowed from a blogger who borrowed it from another blogger - the idea is to use it as a way to lighten the burden by confessing what you may or may have not have done that you might need to confess to!

I may or may not have come home from a night away, just to curl up on the sofa in the sun and go straight back to sleep for a couple of hours.

I may or may not laugh every time the cat hops up on the arm of my chair because I know he will start kneading and that is immediately followed by the dribbling.

I may or may not have put off getting the lawnmower sorted properly in the interest of $$ and may or may not be regretting it now as I can't get it to start (again).  *sigh*

I may or may not be relieved that I have FINALLY cleared out former flatmates leftovers from the garage.

I may or may not have filled a rubbish bag with expired stuff from my pantry and fridge - it's embarressing how much stuff I had in the cupboard that expired more than 3 years ago - ick.

I may or may not have to throw out my cheap ugg boots, because the sole is coming apart from the upper, and I may or may not be thinking I will wait until the end of winter before I biff them out.  I may or may not be a hoarder, although not bad enough to EVER appear on the show.

So....anything you may or may not have done that you want to confess to?

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