Sunday, 12 February 2012

How do you find your blogs?

I love stumbling across new blogs to read....there are a few I read daily, which include: - absolutely hilarious and I love her "Funny Bitch Friday", where she showcases blogs written by female bloggers, introducing bloggers and bloggees to new hilarity. - one heck of a woman who finds herself in all sorts of odd situations - be sure to check out her posting about Beyonce the Chicken...she is also inspirational in terms of the project she founded about the travelling red dress (which isn't always a dress and isn't always red), as well as being very open about her struggles with mental illness. - Karen from Canada posts about her townie chickens, recipes, renovation and decorating ideas and general tips on how to do various activities and home repairs with a huge dash of humour (including admitting when things don't work out) and style - This blog exhausts and inspires me in equal measure.  While procrastination is more than just an idle past-time for me, this blogger shows how much can be done if you just get on and do it. - Sugar goodness is the (main) name of the game on this site, where Peabody shares her trials, tribulations and joys (and her CCS - crazy cocker spaniel) and recipes that might inspire you to try something new. - One day, I'm actually going to try doing some of the amazing transformations that are found on this blog - free furniture converted from drab to fab by extremely talented people inspire me - even if it is just to look at the renovations.

Anyhoo, that's my top six of the's a constantly changing group, but all interest me for different reasons....

Besides, who could resist Beyonce the Chicken???

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