I'm still trying to work out where 2011 went and here we are, 2012 all over, rover and into 2013.
So, I don't make resolutions. Because I don't keep them - they are more like wishful thinking than actual things I might have a shot at achieving.
So I found the list of what I wanted in a house, written about 2 years before I moved in to this place. The list that matched in pretty much everything. Which makes me wonder. If I write down what I want to achieve this year, maybe I'll actually make them happen this year...I think I'll stick to three...and I can always revise them later!
So what do I want to resolve to do in 2013?
1 I resolve not to purchase chippies to eat unless I am getting them to share.
I've been rather bad this year at buying chips and dip...quick and easy to eat, but really not particularly healthy. So this year, I will not buy chips to eat on my own - only to share with others. (See, not a loophole, but realistic and I won't miss out (or feel I'm missing out) completely).
2 I resolve to go to the gym at least once a week (52 times this year).
I know I'm supposed to go at least 3 times a week, but that doesn't always happen. So if I can commit to at least the equivalent of once a week, it will at least be much better than what I'm doing now.
3 I resolve to get my home sorted
I have an office and a spare bedroom that are currently in a state of flux. I have so many ideas of what I can do with them, I just need to get on to it...it's a case of finding a place for everything, either in my home or in someone elses, by donating it. I think local charities may do well out of this. And the rubbish/recycling guys.
So that's my resolutions for 2013...anyone care to share their own?
Sometimes gibberish is my first language. Usually it's English. I like food, but don't like doing dishes and if someone could find where the vacuuming fairy and the weeding-the-garden fairy are, please point them in my direction...
Monday, 31 December 2012
Friday, 7 December 2012
Weed. Weed is bad, mmmkayyy?
Well, Summer is here (you can tell from the rain and humidity) and that means spending more time outside. The lawns are done today and the laundry is flapping in the breeze on the recently restrung washing line (thanks to my landlord). I have a large rosemary bush planted at the base of the line, which is great when I hang out my sheets to try on a breezy day, because when I put them on the bed again, they smell like rosemary where they have brushed against the plant during their time on the line. Nice.
But. The garden. It's tiny. There's not a lot to it. At the moment it is the home to a lot of grass and weeds. I know that weeds are theoretically just plants growing in the wrong place. But to paraphrase Mr Garrison, weeds are bad, mmkkaayyy?
I think after I have finished decorating the Christmas tree and vacuuming the house, I may have to make a start on the weeding. I am not a natural gardener. Sigh.
But. The garden. It's tiny. There's not a lot to it. At the moment it is the home to a lot of grass and weeds. I know that weeds are theoretically just plants growing in the wrong place. But to paraphrase Mr Garrison, weeds are bad, mmkkaayyy?
I think after I have finished decorating the Christmas tree and vacuuming the house, I may have to make a start on the weeding. I am not a natural gardener. Sigh.
Sunday, 28 October 2012
It's amazing what you find when you go through old paperwork...
So I knew I had a lot of stuff that needed to be shredded before I could biff it all (old bank statements and the like) and it was interesting to find some stuff that dated back more than 6 years (as well as to fill up 10 shopping bags with shredding - thanks for the loan of your shredder, Mum!).
Six years ago, I was working as a PA and in my final year of part-time as a legal executive (equivalent to a para-legal). The job was coming to an end, in that I had done what I could in it and knew that it was time to move on. The plan was that I was going to move overseas (to Melbourne, Australia)...being the geek that I am, I had a folder with lists of what I needed/wanted/had to do/arrange to move to Aus.
The other day, I found the folder and the first list in there was what I wanted in terms of a place to live. Of the 15 items on the list, my current house (which I moved into four years ago) has 13 of those requirements - the only two missing were a gas cooker and air conditioning/central heating - neither of which are a major concern here.
Which makes me wonder. Maybe if I make more (very specific lists) of what I want from the universe, maybe I'll get what I want.
I think I might start putting together my wish lists....I don't bother with New Year resolutions, but I have a birthday coming up and maybe I could have a new birthday year resolution....
Six years ago, I was working as a PA and in my final year of part-time as a legal executive (equivalent to a para-legal). The job was coming to an end, in that I had done what I could in it and knew that it was time to move on. The plan was that I was going to move overseas (to Melbourne, Australia)...being the geek that I am, I had a folder with lists of what I needed/wanted/had to do/arrange to move to Aus.
The other day, I found the folder and the first list in there was what I wanted in terms of a place to live. Of the 15 items on the list, my current house (which I moved into four years ago) has 13 of those requirements - the only two missing were a gas cooker and air conditioning/central heating - neither of which are a major concern here.
Which makes me wonder. Maybe if I make more (very specific lists) of what I want from the universe, maybe I'll get what I want.
I think I might start putting together my wish lists....I don't bother with New Year resolutions, but I have a birthday coming up and maybe I could have a new birthday year resolution....
Monday, 15 October 2012
Why do you need to see me cry?
You know, sometimes I really don't get it.
Apparently, I need to show my emotions more so that people know what I am really feeling. WHY? I don't understand why you need to see me cry or get really wound up so that you have "proof" that I do have emotions. Can you not simply accept that what I say is exactly what I mean?
And you know what also gets me? I'm sitting here watching a cooking show and it really grinds my gears when the presenter keeps going on about being "good" or "bad" with his food. Food is neither good nor bad and demonising it does nothing to help anyone.
Also, why does my cat feel the need to knead me all the time. I really am not an unbaked loaf of bread.
Yep, it's rant time again.
At least there was enough fine weather this past weekend that I could mow the lawn. And a long weekend this coming weekend is awesome!
Apparently, I need to show my emotions more so that people know what I am really feeling. WHY? I don't understand why you need to see me cry or get really wound up so that you have "proof" that I do have emotions. Can you not simply accept that what I say is exactly what I mean?
And you know what also gets me? I'm sitting here watching a cooking show and it really grinds my gears when the presenter keeps going on about being "good" or "bad" with his food. Food is neither good nor bad and demonising it does nothing to help anyone.
Also, why does my cat feel the need to knead me all the time. I really am not an unbaked loaf of bread.
Yep, it's rant time again.
At least there was enough fine weather this past weekend that I could mow the lawn. And a long weekend this coming weekend is awesome!
Monday, 3 September 2012
Depression sucks the big kumara
One thing that most people don't know about me is that I (and I hate this word) suffer from depression.
It's been described as the big black dog and sometimes it really is. Finding the joy in life sometimes seems impossible.
I have grown so used to putting on the facade for people, so they don't know what is going on under the surface.
Unfortunately, I'm now at a stage where the facade is cracking big time. So now I'm getting help. It's only the first step...all I can do is hope that things become more manageable.
It's been described as the big black dog and sometimes it really is. Finding the joy in life sometimes seems impossible.
I have grown so used to putting on the facade for people, so they don't know what is going on under the surface.
Unfortunately, I'm now at a stage where the facade is cracking big time. So now I'm getting help. It's only the first step...all I can do is hope that things become more manageable.
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Sometimes the weather is apt
So, today is a miserable, wet, windy day. And it really matches my mood at the moment. I always dread answering the phone on the weekend and after hours. It usually means either someone wants me to do something, or else something has gone wrong at work and I need to try and sort it.
Today was the latter. Problem is that on a Sunday, you can't actually get hold of ANYONE who can do ANYTHING. For a world that is increasingly 24/7 is is ridiculous to me that out of hours for a company that operates 24/7, you can't get any meaningful assistance. It doesn't help clients when they are stuck in the middle of nowhere and what you have to do requires the help of someone else.
All I can say is that I hope the week gets better. And that my garden shed doesn't end up in the neighbours garden if the wind picks up.
Today was the latter. Problem is that on a Sunday, you can't actually get hold of ANYONE who can do ANYTHING. For a world that is increasingly 24/7 is is ridiculous to me that out of hours for a company that operates 24/7, you can't get any meaningful assistance. It doesn't help clients when they are stuck in the middle of nowhere and what you have to do requires the help of someone else.
All I can say is that I hope the week gets better. And that my garden shed doesn't end up in the neighbours garden if the wind picks up.
Monday, 4 June 2012
May or May Not Monday
An idea borrowed from a blogger who borrowed it from another blogger - the idea is to use it as a way to lighten the burden by confessing what you may or may have not have done that you might need to confess to!
I may or may not have come home from a night away, just to curl up on the sofa in the sun and go straight back to sleep for a couple of hours.
I may or may not laugh every time the cat hops up on the arm of my chair because I know he will start kneading and that is immediately followed by the dribbling.
I may or may not have put off getting the lawnmower sorted properly in the interest of $$ and may or may not be regretting it now as I can't get it to start (again). *sigh*
I may or may not be relieved that I have FINALLY cleared out former flatmates leftovers from the garage.
I may or may not have filled a rubbish bag with expired stuff from my pantry and fridge - it's embarressing how much stuff I had in the cupboard that expired more than 3 years ago - ick.
I may or may not have to throw out my cheap ugg boots, because the sole is coming apart from the upper, and I may or may not be thinking I will wait until the end of winter before I biff them out. I may or may not be a hoarder, although not bad enough to EVER appear on the show.
So....anything you may or may not have done that you want to confess to?
I may or may not have come home from a night away, just to curl up on the sofa in the sun and go straight back to sleep for a couple of hours.
I may or may not laugh every time the cat hops up on the arm of my chair because I know he will start kneading and that is immediately followed by the dribbling.
I may or may not have put off getting the lawnmower sorted properly in the interest of $$ and may or may not be regretting it now as I can't get it to start (again). *sigh*
I may or may not be relieved that I have FINALLY cleared out former flatmates leftovers from the garage.
I may or may not have filled a rubbish bag with expired stuff from my pantry and fridge - it's embarressing how much stuff I had in the cupboard that expired more than 3 years ago - ick.
I may or may not have to throw out my cheap ugg boots, because the sole is coming apart from the upper, and I may or may not be thinking I will wait until the end of winter before I biff them out. I may or may not be a hoarder, although not bad enough to EVER appear on the show.
So....anything you may or may not have done that you want to confess to?
Saturday, 26 May 2012
I am a grumpy old woman...
There is a great series of programmes that play on UKTV here called the "Grumpy Woman's Guide to..." and the "Grumpy Man's Guide to...". Basically celebrities are given topics and they get to rant about them...I find it hilarious right up until I realise that I am nodding my head in agreement with their views rather than laughing at them....
The number of times I hear myself talking and all I can hear is my mothers voice...
There are so many things that annoy me:
Getting sick. Particularly when it is a weekend, holiday or day off. I am drinking water like it's going out of fashion at the moment in an effort to derail the cold I think I may have caught from a workmate.
Drunk teenagers who think they are cool. They are not. We have been there and done that and one day you will realise that when we say you look like an idiot, we are not joking.
Drivers not indicating. My psychic button is broken. I don't know if you are going to turn UNLESS YOU INDICATE that this is what you are doing. It is not optional. It is a legal requirement. Don't make me waggle my finger at you!!
Not winning lotto. Okay, so I hardly ever buy a ticket, but really, that's beside the point!
Sneezing. I am a chronic sneezer. Have been since I was a child. My sneezes are quite quiet and petite (the only thing about me that is small and delicate!). Yes, I do know that I sound like a cat. Yes, I am sneezing properly. Yes, I do sneeze a lot. Yes, I have heard that sneezing is like having an orgasm (I can assure you it's not). It makes my eyes and nose run and interrupts my conversations - a real pain in the proverbial when most of my work day is spent talking with people!
Cleaning. Yes, it is great when all the housework is done. That doesn't mean I like it. I know that there is a housework fairy somewhere that is supposed to do the vacuuming, clean the bathroom and toilet and was the dishes. When I find where she's hiding, she is in BIG trouble.
Guilt. There are so many things that I should be doing. A lot of time it doesn't happen. Either I forget, run out of time or simply can't be bothered. I hate feeling guilty for it. Unless I have upset someone (and they are upset for a reason, not simply because they now have to do the job they had hoped I would do), I have resolved no longer to feel guilty. We'll see how long that lasts!
So....what makes you feel grumpy?
The number of times I hear myself talking and all I can hear is my mothers voice...
There are so many things that annoy me:
Getting sick. Particularly when it is a weekend, holiday or day off. I am drinking water like it's going out of fashion at the moment in an effort to derail the cold I think I may have caught from a workmate.
Drunk teenagers who think they are cool. They are not. We have been there and done that and one day you will realise that when we say you look like an idiot, we are not joking.
Drivers not indicating. My psychic button is broken. I don't know if you are going to turn UNLESS YOU INDICATE that this is what you are doing. It is not optional. It is a legal requirement. Don't make me waggle my finger at you!!
Not winning lotto. Okay, so I hardly ever buy a ticket, but really, that's beside the point!
Sneezing. I am a chronic sneezer. Have been since I was a child. My sneezes are quite quiet and petite (the only thing about me that is small and delicate!). Yes, I do know that I sound like a cat. Yes, I am sneezing properly. Yes, I do sneeze a lot. Yes, I have heard that sneezing is like having an orgasm (I can assure you it's not). It makes my eyes and nose run and interrupts my conversations - a real pain in the proverbial when most of my work day is spent talking with people!
Cleaning. Yes, it is great when all the housework is done. That doesn't mean I like it. I know that there is a housework fairy somewhere that is supposed to do the vacuuming, clean the bathroom and toilet and was the dishes. When I find where she's hiding, she is in BIG trouble.
Guilt. There are so many things that I should be doing. A lot of time it doesn't happen. Either I forget, run out of time or simply can't be bothered. I hate feeling guilty for it. Unless I have upset someone (and they are upset for a reason, not simply because they now have to do the job they had hoped I would do), I have resolved no longer to feel guilty. We'll see how long that lasts!
So....what makes you feel grumpy?
Sunday, 12 February 2012
How do you find your blogs?
I love stumbling across new blogs to read....there are a few I read daily, which include:
http://ohnoa.com/ - absolutely hilarious and I love her "Funny Bitch Friday", where she showcases blogs written by female bloggers, introducing bloggers and bloggees to new hilarity.
http://thebloggess.com/ - one heck of a woman who finds herself in all sorts of odd situations - be sure to check out her posting about Beyonce the Chicken...she is also inspirational in terms of the project she founded about the travelling red dress (which isn't always a dress and isn't always red), as well as being very open about her struggles with mental illness.
http://www.theartofdoingstuff.com/ - Karen from Canada posts about her townie chickens, recipes, renovation and decorating ideas and general tips on how to do various activities and home repairs with a huge dash of humour (including admitting when things don't work out) and style
http://www.simpleorganizedliving.com/ - This blog exhausts and inspires me in equal measure. While procrastination is more than just an idle past-time for me, this blogger shows how much can be done if you just get on and do it.
http://www.culinaryconcoctionsbypeabody.com/ - Sugar goodness is the (main) name of the game on this site, where Peabody shares her trials, tribulations and joys (and her CCS - crazy cocker spaniel) and recipes that might inspire you to try something new.
http://betterafter.blogspot.co.nz/ - One day, I'm actually going to try doing some of the amazing transformations that are found on this blog - free furniture converted from drab to fab by extremely talented people inspire me - even if it is just to look at the renovations.
Anyhoo, that's my top six of the moment....it's a constantly changing group, but all interest me for different reasons....
Besides, who could resist Beyonce the Chicken???
http://ohnoa.com/ - absolutely hilarious and I love her "Funny Bitch Friday", where she showcases blogs written by female bloggers, introducing bloggers and bloggees to new hilarity.
http://thebloggess.com/ - one heck of a woman who finds herself in all sorts of odd situations - be sure to check out her posting about Beyonce the Chicken...she is also inspirational in terms of the project she founded about the travelling red dress (which isn't always a dress and isn't always red), as well as being very open about her struggles with mental illness.
http://www.theartofdoingstuff.com/ - Karen from Canada posts about her townie chickens, recipes, renovation and decorating ideas and general tips on how to do various activities and home repairs with a huge dash of humour (including admitting when things don't work out) and style
http://www.simpleorganizedliving.com/ - This blog exhausts and inspires me in equal measure. While procrastination is more than just an idle past-time for me, this blogger shows how much can be done if you just get on and do it.
http://www.culinaryconcoctionsbypeabody.com/ - Sugar goodness is the (main) name of the game on this site, where Peabody shares her trials, tribulations and joys (and her CCS - crazy cocker spaniel) and recipes that might inspire you to try something new.
http://betterafter.blogspot.co.nz/ - One day, I'm actually going to try doing some of the amazing transformations that are found on this blog - free furniture converted from drab to fab by extremely talented people inspire me - even if it is just to look at the renovations.
Anyhoo, that's my top six of the moment....it's a constantly changing group, but all interest me for different reasons....
Besides, who could resist Beyonce the Chicken???
Monday, 23 January 2012
The joy of a sunny summer day
Never underestimate the power of a sunny day off in summer, particularly when it comes as a day off work...it's amazing how much you can achieve when you have the motivation of enjoying the day once the small jobs that you've put off get done.
That being said, it is a pain in the proverbial when you can't get the lawnmower to start!
I have to admit, it is fun walking through town with the cat wailing in his box all the way just after 9am(the vet is within walking distance of home)...getting him into the cage while he does the ninja starfish is entertaining too (you know - all limbs extended and rigid with claws at full scratch), but once he's in the cage, all he does is wail. Poor baby. The vet gave him a mostly clean bill of health and topped up his vaccine, which is great - just need to keep an eye on his teeth now.
Getting a hair cut and using vouchers I got for my birthday back in October was fun too - and getting the lawnmower to FINALLY start when I got home, so I could attack the lawn and get it back down to something approaching normal length was an added bonus.
Sometimes all you need is a nice sunny day, something cool to drink and the radio playing in the background to have your perfect summer day.
That being said, it is a pain in the proverbial when you can't get the lawnmower to start!
I have to admit, it is fun walking through town with the cat wailing in his box all the way just after 9am(the vet is within walking distance of home)...getting him into the cage while he does the ninja starfish is entertaining too (you know - all limbs extended and rigid with claws at full scratch), but once he's in the cage, all he does is wail. Poor baby. The vet gave him a mostly clean bill of health and topped up his vaccine, which is great - just need to keep an eye on his teeth now.
Getting a hair cut and using vouchers I got for my birthday back in October was fun too - and getting the lawnmower to FINALLY start when I got home, so I could attack the lawn and get it back down to something approaching normal length was an added bonus.
Sometimes all you need is a nice sunny day, something cool to drink and the radio playing in the background to have your perfect summer day.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Sigh. Nope. No Summer After All.
Since 1 December (the first day of summer in the Southern Hemisphere), it has rained at least once in every 24 hours. Horrible, horrible, horrible. So it was definitely the kind of weather that encouraged a Sunday roast on the weekend. A really yummy leg of lamb that I had bought from Farro Fresh in Auckland was destined for the oven and the sacrifice was worth it. The leftovers this week have made it even more worthwhile.
I roasted it on a bed of rosemary from the garden - the only real downside to it was that I had to pick sprigs of rosemary out of everything, because they aren't exactly easy to chew. The smell however, was totally divine and the taste even better. I think next time I would either wrap the rosemary in muslin or finely chop it, so I don't have to worry about twigs!!!
A simple dessert to finish is chopped strawberries with a couple of spoonfuls of sweetened condensed milk. Yum!
I roasted it on a bed of rosemary from the garden - the only real downside to it was that I had to pick sprigs of rosemary out of everything, because they aren't exactly easy to chew. The smell however, was totally divine and the taste even better. I think next time I would either wrap the rosemary in muslin or finely chop it, so I don't have to worry about twigs!!!
A simple dessert to finish is chopped strawberries with a couple of spoonfuls of sweetened condensed milk. Yum!
roast lamb,
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Where are the fairies?
You know, once in a while, I really wish the fairies were still around - you know, the ones that do the vacuuming, laundry, lawns, gardens and cleaning.
At the moment I'm wondering if they are lost, stolen or strayed, because I sure haven't been able to find them!
Failing that, I guess I have to do it all myself (at least until I get another flatmate to share the load)... we have now had two consecutive days of sunshine, which is helping dry out the soggy garden...I may get another courgette or two yet, after having chopped off most of its leaves after they got powdery mildew. There is a reason it is easier to buy things at the market (farmers or super) sometimes.
So because I couldn't be bothered cooking a full meal because of the heat, last night was leftover night and I made a version of a panzanetta, an Italian bread salad.
At the end of the day, the bakery department of one of our local supermarkets bags up leftover breadrolls at a discount, so you can get some of the nicer breadrolls (like sundried tomato and olive) cheap as chips. I had three leftover from a bag I got the other day, so they weren't great for eating on their own, but perfect for this salad...although next time I would recommend using no more than two rolls for a bowl full of salad - otherwise it is more bread than anything else. Stale rolls seem to work in the this much better than fresh.
Some Kind of Panzanetta
Start by cubing the breadrolls - I like mine fairly chunky, so about 2cm x 2cm cubes - and put them in a pan that you have heated up a couple of tablespoons of oil (a mild olive oil gives this a light and delicious taste), drop in the cubed bread and stir it round until it is all lightly coated and starting to brown. Basically what you are making are giant croutons, but not as crunchy.
Put them in whatever type of salad you prefer (I added ham, lettuce from my garden, tomato and some onion that I softened in a pan with the ham) and add your preferred dressing - my favourite at the moment (which can be used as a dip for bread if you want to try something different) is a citrus vinagrette made by a local company called Prenzel...
Enjoy the bonus of feeling virtuous from eating salad (if you have that as a resolution) and being economical by using leftovers.
At the moment I'm wondering if they are lost, stolen or strayed, because I sure haven't been able to find them!
Failing that, I guess I have to do it all myself (at least until I get another flatmate to share the load)... we have now had two consecutive days of sunshine, which is helping dry out the soggy garden...I may get another courgette or two yet, after having chopped off most of its leaves after they got powdery mildew. There is a reason it is easier to buy things at the market (farmers or super) sometimes.
So because I couldn't be bothered cooking a full meal because of the heat, last night was leftover night and I made a version of a panzanetta, an Italian bread salad.
At the end of the day, the bakery department of one of our local supermarkets bags up leftover breadrolls at a discount, so you can get some of the nicer breadrolls (like sundried tomato and olive) cheap as chips. I had three leftover from a bag I got the other day, so they weren't great for eating on their own, but perfect for this salad...although next time I would recommend using no more than two rolls for a bowl full of salad - otherwise it is more bread than anything else. Stale rolls seem to work in the this much better than fresh.
Some Kind of Panzanetta
Start by cubing the breadrolls - I like mine fairly chunky, so about 2cm x 2cm cubes - and put them in a pan that you have heated up a couple of tablespoons of oil (a mild olive oil gives this a light and delicious taste), drop in the cubed bread and stir it round until it is all lightly coated and starting to brown. Basically what you are making are giant croutons, but not as crunchy.
Put them in whatever type of salad you prefer (I added ham, lettuce from my garden, tomato and some onion that I softened in a pan with the ham) and add your preferred dressing - my favourite at the moment (which can be used as a dip for bread if you want to try something different) is a citrus vinagrette made by a local company called Prenzel...
Enjoy the bonus of feeling virtuous from eating salad (if you have that as a resolution) and being economical by using leftovers.
Sunday, 1 January 2012
What is that yellow thing?
I think it may actually have been the sun, poking out from behind a cloud (or two, or three). At least it came out long enough to make me think that I could get the sheets washed and dried. Fingers crossed.
So here we are in a New Year and summer is trying very hard to make itself scarce. Strawberries are thin on the ground (literally) this season, simply because of all the rain that has fallen. While the courgettes have been hit hard with mould because of the humidity, the yellow beans have taken off - think they'll do quite nicely with the steak I have in the fridge for dinner.
So for Christmas this year, one of the things I made was shortbread. I used Gordon Ramsay's recipe (more or less) that I cribbed off one of the Christmas cooking shows and am still not sure what I think of it, as it was very sweet.
1 tsp Vanilla essence
2 eggs
Mix eggs and vanilla
125g butter
90 g caster sugar
Cream until smooth, add eggs and pinch salt. Add 250g plain flour, mix to a dough. Roll to 1cm thickness and put on baking tray. Chill for an hour, bake medium oven 20min until just done, then sprinkle with sugar.
His recipe used vanilla seeds from a pod - I only have essence and that does the job just as well.
So here we are in a New Year and summer is trying very hard to make itself scarce. Strawberries are thin on the ground (literally) this season, simply because of all the rain that has fallen. While the courgettes have been hit hard with mould because of the humidity, the yellow beans have taken off - think they'll do quite nicely with the steak I have in the fridge for dinner.
So for Christmas this year, one of the things I made was shortbread. I used Gordon Ramsay's recipe (more or less) that I cribbed off one of the Christmas cooking shows and am still not sure what I think of it, as it was very sweet.
1 tsp Vanilla essence
2 eggs
Mix eggs and vanilla
125g butter
90 g caster sugar
Cream until smooth, add eggs and pinch salt. Add 250g plain flour, mix to a dough. Roll to 1cm thickness and put on baking tray. Chill for an hour, bake medium oven 20min until just done, then sprinkle with sugar.
His recipe used vanilla seeds from a pod - I only have essence and that does the job just as well.
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